WISCO Survey Power questions & answers

Create surveys, questionnaires, polls, etc. and analyze their results
Question by Wisco user
May 16, 2016

This is a very good program. Unfortunately the developers did not promptly supported the users. This is the best On-line survey generating program I ever came across. Now they have stopped marketing it on-line.

Is there anybody willing to give me the serial key of WISCO Survey Power 7.2 for a fee?

Answer by Alex Urbach

The software has been discontinued. The official website is no longer working and displays a generic search page instead. I've tried to find websites where users might have this for selling or auctioning. Unfortunately, the software can't be found on Amazon, Ebay or any other auctioning website which means it's completely dead. If someone still has it and he's willing to sell it, it will post here if it finds the question.

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